Tuesday 18 February 2020

Random Thought

Hello and Assalamualaikum,


Starting of the year dah issue pasal Influenza A. Tak habis pasal tu, terus kena overshadow pasal Corona virus pulak. Then H5N1.

Masuk February, belum habis isu penyakit, we have been struck by the news of the death of few personalities such as Abam and today is Ashraf Sinclair. Both who we thought very young and healthy tapi ajal yang tidak mengira semua itu.

I always and always hope that I would pergi dulu instead of my husband or my parents cos I guess I'm not too strong to handle if it comes to them yang leave me first. But yeah diri sendiri pun belum tentu amalan cukup ke tak kan.

2019 alhamdulillah was a year of rezeki yang tak pernah putus. Pernah I talked to my husband, what if the rezeki news we received so far, is a deadline for me untuk pergi. It was a casual conversation lps balik kerja and both of us hanya diam. Because both of us don't know the exact answer to respond.

My husband always said that jangan fikir bukan2. Hahaha sebenarnya dia tak tahu nak respond macam mana. Tapi entah, somehow the thought of death selalu linger dalam fikiran. That is why I guess, just do good, be good to everyone. Tak kisah to your annotying colleague ke, enemy ke, your ex ke , apa ke, berbaik je la dengan manusia. Sombong2 dengan orang yang tak ada salah dgn kita buat apa. Kalau ada salah pun, maafkan je lah.

Murah rezeki, panjang umur in sha allah this year my husband and I would embark a new phase and journey. Nothing else I would need except the doa from everyone agar semua nya dipermudahkan dan berjalan lancar :)

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Awak Dengan Jalan Awak, Saya Dengan Jalan Saya

You're beautiful is true.

but it's time to face the truth

I will never be with you.

Dulu bila dengar lagu ni macam wahhh sweet nya because tak dengar the lyrics carefully pun. Dengar part You're beautiful je. Tapi sebenarnya it's very a sad song. 

Hahaha dulu pernah ada orang bagi lagu ini. Konon ingat sweet, walhal memang betul to face the truth, we will never be together pun. Tho benda ini dah lama sangat berlalu, tapi setiap kali terdengar lagu ini, memori itu akan diulang tayang.

May your life will be blessed where ever you are. 

Saturday 30 June 2018

Imma happy person!

Assalamualaikum and hello people!

Yeay Sunday and it's fun day! Lol padahal tengah melanguk buat kerja part time. Hehehe. Omaigod it's already July and life is just full of surprises.

To be honest I can't wait to know what will happen next.

Dalam hidup ini, kadang walau kita tak lagi berkomunikasi seperti dahulu, aku masih melihat dari jauh akan setiap perkembangan yang berlaku dalam hidup orang yang pernah singgah di hati aku.

Ya Allah, bersyukur nya rasa hati ini sebab semua orang pun sedang melalui fasa fasa yang mebahagiakan. How time flies and alhamdulillah it makes me feel good of the decisions that were made back then.

Pengalaman mematangkan dan setiap dari kita pernah melalui fasa yang menyedihkan, menyakitkan tapi percayalah suatu hari nanti bila kau dah berjumpa dgn seseorang atau sesuatu yang membahagiakan, kau akan look at the past and said all those pains and hardships were worth it oh!

Semoga semua orang punya life goals and segala niat masing-masing dipermudahkan yang Maha Esa. Jagalah apa yang kita miliki hari ini and cherish those moments sebagai suatu kenangan untuk di simpan sepenuhnya dalam diari hati.

Ahhh 2018 is damn fun weiii! 2018 has been really great so far and I really pray it will end great as well! I'm so excited and happy for everyone. You deserves to be happy like everybody else. You have been a great person and I'm so proud of the new phase you've achieved.

For those yang belum mencapai apa yang dinanti, percayalah..

Nanti saat itu akan tiba. 

"Bila nanti saatnya telah tiba, ku ingin kau menjadi isteriku"