Assalamualaikum and hye!
Well now tengah study week, nothing much to do. Aiceh nothing much sangat padahal notes berlambak nak kena baca. Hihi. Oh tak ada hot story sangat. It's just I want to share website I guess ramai je yg tahu tapi tak menggunakan website ni. For me this is the coolest website so far if you need any references regarding anything. From gifts ideas, fashion, cooking recipe, party ideas even wedding ideas all in one website.
I love this thing so much since we can actually realize how creative you can be and plus by using simple and cheap things tho. These are some examples of things that i have pinned before. Sesuai utk bg as a gifts to ur bff ke boyfriend/girlfriend apa apa ke kan. Simple yet so cute!
Ni utk anniversary ke apa kan since we don't celebrate valentines |
This is super awesome. Do this to ur bff for her birthday ke apa kan, so fun! |
I really love this gift basket, don't have to be neat but every thing is in there. Very good gift to give to ur friend yg nak pergi further studies ke apa ke. |
Ni present for ur loved ones. Setiap jam utk the whole day birthday dia tu ada hadiah. Aww!!
Okay tu je. If you want to see more, go to and tons of creative ideas about almost anything you could find there. Plus, if you want to know bout these gifts or ideas above and you are just to lazy to search it, you may just visit my pinterest page :
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